Identifying Your Zone Of Genius with Rebecca Jarvis
Identifying your zone of genius means living your life in a purpose-driven zone. Award-winning journalist and chief business, technology, and economics correspondent Rebecca Jarvis is shattering the glass ceiling on a regular basis for her amazing work with empowering women to expand their mindset of what is possible, step up to the plate, and live in their purpose-driven zone. Rebecca reveals that getting into her zone of genius took a lot of baby steps, a vision of the future, an attitude of always wanting to learn, and collecting little opportunities that built up her portfolio she could show the bosses. She shares her story of how she shifted from investment banking to broadcast journalism and what inspired her to do that.
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Identifying Your Zone Of Genius with Rebecca Jarvis
I have had so many amazing guests, but the next person is one of my biggest inspirations in life to date. She is one of my sheroes in my life. She is a fellow Midwesterner. She had big dreams as a little girl and she wanted to impact the world and she is doing just that. She raised over $750,000 for her own nonprofit, a children's charity, when she was fifteen years old. She even landed an interview with Colin Powell in high school. She jumped into a male-dominated industry and she didn't pause for a second. She became very successful in investment banking and foreign currency trading. She performed like a boss.
She shifted and made an epic jump into broadcast journalism from what she was doing before. She is an ABC News Emmy Award-winning journalist, Chief Business Technology and Economics Correspondent. She's shattering the glass ceiling on a regular basis. She is doing amazing things and empowering women to step up to the plate and live in their purpose-driven zone. She even started a podcast called No Limits. Go on over and subscribe to that because she is helping women to expand their mindset of what is possible. Rebecca Jarvis, thank you for being the boss of your own life and illuminating the way for us.
Thank you, Stefanie. Thanks for everything you're doing for all the bosses out there.
I'm so honored to be able to interview you. I want to hear more about how you shifted from investment banking to broadcast journalism. How are those tied? What inspired you to do that?
My parents were so influential and, still to this day, are so influential and that has driven and motivated me. My mom is a journalist as well. She's a print journalist for Reuters. My grandfather was a journalist. That was in my blood from the time I was young and I really thought I wanted to pursue this profession from a young age. When I went to school, I started studying economics and constitutional law. One of the things that happened in college is that I racked up a ton of student loan debt. I recognized quickly that going into journalism straight out of college would mean I would be living under that student loan debt forever.
If you start out in journalism, there are no jobs that pay for your student loans. I didn't have a safety net and part of what I thought after I graduated from school was, “If I go into finance, initially I can learn about this world that my economics degree has helped prepare me for. I can also start paying back those loans.” It was about $20,000 worth of them. Hopefully, I can do that in the span of a handful of years if I'm careful about all of the money that I'm making. I'm putting almost all of it towards my 401(k), my rent and my student loans. Those were the main areas. My mom, after I got the job, called me every day to make sure I was putting money into the 401(k). Thank goodness for that because if she hadn't been doing that, I actually tell her that I started putting money into my 401(k) to shut her up. Every phone conversation started with, "Becky, have you started doing the 401(k)?" I'm like, "Mom, come on. No, I haven't yet."
I go into investment banking and I realized about a year and a half into the job that I desperately wanted to pursue journalism. I looked around and there were a lot of people who had dreams early on, when we all started in investment banking who said, "I want to do this, I want to do that." As time went on, they lost those interests or they felt like they were living a life that they couldn't walk away from in investment banking. I made this decision, "I’ve got to make this leap." I started early when I made this decision, which was about a year and a half into investment banking. I was in Chicago at the time. I was calling every business editor at every newspaper and asking them if I could grab coffee with them. I would go out and I would talk to them about their world and their work.
At the end of the conversation, I had three different ideas for stories. I would pitch them those three ideas at the end of the coffee and say, "I love the work that you're doing. I'm interested in moving into your field. I recognize there may or may not be job opportunities, but here are three stories that if you were willing to allow me to do it, I would write it for you." A business newspaper called Crain's Chicago Business said, "You can start writing for us." I started writing for them based on the trends that I had seen in finance. One of the things that I say, especially to journalists, but I think it applies across the board, “Whatever it is that you want, finding that side door is the key to success.” When everybody else is running through the front entrance, trying to compete with that crowd and trying to stand out, it’s so much more complicated.
When you can find that side door, whether it's a side passion that brings you somewhere or an experience that you have that most people don't have. If you can figure out what that special unique thing is about your story and weave that into why an employer should hire you, you have a 1,000% better shot at getting that opportunity. In my case, I came in with a business background and some constitutional law background. Whatever that thing is, as soon as it becomes the main thing that the newsroom needs, you raise your hand and you say, "I'm an expert in this. I'm ready and willing to do whatever it is around this particular topic because I have the expertise." These networks and newspapers, they all need experts who can understand something and explain it in layman's terms.
Zone Of Genius: Trying to stand out is so complicated. When you can find that side door, that special unique thing about your story, you have a 1000% better shot at getting that opportunity.
Really identifying what your zone of genius is and you've done such an amazing job of that. I even watch your Instagram story and you did put, even in layman terms, how to raise your credit score.
Did you raise your credit score yet?
Yes. I'm checking it. How did you transition from the investment banking to broadcast journalism and then landing at ABC?
A lot of it is baby steps. I had big dreams. I wanted to work in broadcast news, but there wasn't some clear path of, “Do this, do that,” and then you're there. For me, I hunkered down and did the work to write the best articles I could. Coming out of investment banking, I start writing for Crain's Chicago Business. I also contacted, they're no longer around, but it's a magazine called Business 2.0. They had offered me an internship when I was in college, which I ended up not taking at the time because I was on this economics finance path. I called them up and I said, "Could I come and write for you? I'm doing this work for Crain's." They said, “Yes.” Little by little, I'm getting these opportunities to work in journalism and build a portfolio where I can show future bosses. I wrote this article about debt. I wrote this article when I was at Business 2.0 about RFID-enabled poker chips because, at that time, a lot of casinos in Las Vegas had counterfeiting as a major issue. People would come in with fake casino chips. If you put this RFID inside of them, then they can track whether or not it's fake or real. I continued to collect those stories in my portfolio.
I also continued to meet with editors. I started meeting with television producers. I continued to talk to all these different players in the industry and continued to put my hand up and say, "I'm always interested in learning. I'm always interested in opportunities." Finally, the CNBC opportunity came along. CNBC offers me this, first of its kind, Associate Reporter title. They said, "You come in and you learn the ropes. Once you figure out the ropes, then we put you on TV." They gave me about six months and it was truly a sink or swim opportunity. They said at the end of six months, "If we don't keep you, if we don't think you've made it, then we'll say our goodbyes. If at the end of six months we feel that you could make it here, then we enact what will be a three-year deal." That's ultimately what happened.
You didn't probably sleep too much in those six months.
You bring up an important point, which is when I first got there were so many new things. It can be complicated when you get into a brand-new work environment to know where your value is. Nobody expects you to sit down and be perfect at the job on day one. I have seen through incredible employees who have worked with me on my team what it takes for them to stand out. We had an intern here at ABC News. His name is Victor. On his very first day, I was working late and I was in the office at 8:30 PM and it was also Victor's first day. He was there at 8:30 PM in the office and I said, "Victor, what's going on? You could have gone home hours ago." His actual job description says he can leave at six. He said, "No, I started on a project. I'm not leaving." That attitude is the kind of attitude that will help make you stand out even if you're not perfect at the job on day one. I tried hard to be useful to my colleagues at CNBC and to help producers. I tried to not think of any job, in the environment that I was in, as something that would be beneath me. I tried to consistently add value.
To go that extra mile and that's what I've found even in my own career. When you put in that little extra step, it makes all the difference in the world. Going from CNBC, how did that transition over to ABC?
I got to CNBC in 2006 and it was the early stages of the financial crisis, the great recession. All of a sudden overnight CNBC became the go-to place that all of these people were tuning in trying to understand what was happening in the market and in the world. Lehman Brothers went under, Bear Stearns went under, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America merged. So many changes took place and those are what happened inside the banks. Obviously, a number of Americans lost most of their retirement savings, if not all of them. People were worried, people were losing their homes, and there was a foreclosure crisis. People wanted answers and they were tuning in to CNBC for those answers.
It was an incredible time to be there because I learned how to be a reporter in that type of environment. It was so fast-paced, and the news was constantly happening all around us. At that time, a lot of the networks were looking for people who could be experts, who could break down the information for their viewers. I remember feeling some frustration at the time because they would ask us to go report at other places as well. Other news outlets would say, "Can you come and break this down for us?" I always felt this frustration that the average viewer wasn't getting enough of the right information. For example, if you had sold your stocks and your 401(k) in the height of the financial crisis 2008, 2009, you would have lost at least half of your retirement savings. If you had held on and weathered through, obviously there would have been a lot of white-knuckled days and nights, but within three years you would have made all of the money back.
One of my biggest pet peeves are the number of charlatans out there who claim to be experts, who tell people, “I have a ‘can't fail no risk’ solution to saving your money or to using your money to make money.” Most of the time, those are scams. They are having you hand over your money because they are making money on it, not because you are making money on it. I felt at that moment, when I was at CNBC and I genuinely loved my job, that I was willing to go work for CBS News. They were coming to me and asking me to come work for them. I felt that making the transition to CBS news where the audience was not a specific business news viewer, but a broad audience. I hoped that I could help people see that there are these charlatans out there who are scam artists and help them understand the right answers. I went to CBS, I was hired by a woman who ultimately moved to ABC News. When I was done with my contract at CBS or a little bit before that point, she was saying to me, "Please come work with me at ABC News." I met the team at ABC News. I instantly loved everything about the people in the leadership roles at this company. That was five plus years ago and I've been here ever since and I'm so happy.
It happened organically. When you keep taking that next best step, it illuminates the way to that next thing. What was that ultimate dream that you were looking to pursue?
It’s funny because I don't necessarily think it's a specific role, it has more to do with impact. At the heart of what I do, there are two different areas that ignite me and make me excited. It's curiosity and being able to ask questions, hold people accountable, and continuously go out seeking answers. On the other side, it's helping to educate people and giving the audience the best information that exists so that the audience can go out and make the best decisions for themselves and their families. My dream at this moment, between no limits where we speak with women who are the boldest and influential women. Everybody from CEOs to founders to celebrities who have figured out how to build their own empires and demystifying that success, to the work that I do with ABC News on a regular basis on investigations.
Zone Of Genius: There are two different areas that drive me. It's curiosity and helping to educate people.
You're literally living your dream, Rebecca. I'm so thrilled for you and you truly do that. I listen to your podcast all the time and I feel like I can hardly sleep at night because when you're just helping people to see that some of these women are average Jills that stepped up into their power and said, "Enough is enough. I don't want to live life by design or default anymore. I want to design my life." From just how they have created empires and paid that forward to other people, thank you for doing what you do.
I know you're doing it here as well and it's an honor to be a part of this.
Did it come naturally to build a tribe and an A-team around you? Even in corresponding with your team, I was talking with your executive producer and so many other incredible people along the way to coordinate this episode. You've obviously pulled in a lot of powerhouse entrepreneurs and lady bosses that are making an impact in the world. How do you start to do that? How have you brought these amazing, incredible people around you to help us all raise our A-game?
First of all, thank you for the shout out to the team here at ABC News that helps make No Limits happen week after week and help make all of the work that we're doing here happen. They're incredible. Elizabeth Russo runs PR here at ABC News and helps us with the publicity for No Limits. My producer, Taylor Dunn. My research assistant, Anie Osakwe, Michelle Boncardo, the editor of the No Limits podcast. These are all phenomenal women. It's funny that you ask about bringing together the tribe because some of it is a little bit of luck. These are women who have come to me throughout the course of my career. They've worked very hard. They've come into my existence, entered into the world of ABC, and then found their way to me. As soon as I've seen their passion and excitement for what we're trying to build for that mission statement, how can they not be on the team?
A lot of it comes down to you have to put your mission statement out there for those who would be attracted to that mission statement to find you. One of the things that's incredible is the way you found me. From listening to the podcast and reaching out to me on Instagram, the world is so much different than it used to be where there would be so many more layers to building that tribe. Whereas now, we have common interests in helping women reach their goals and be successful. The hardest part is not finding people, it's finding the time to have the relationships have meaning and impact and managing that time. As I'm sure you know, and everybody feels this way, there's never enough time to do all of it.
I talked a little bit about this in my book and you totally shared that on another level. When you step up into your light and you are living your mission and vision, those people are attracted to you versus you feeling like you have to chase success or the right type of people. It's amazing how the Law of Attraction truly does work in your favor when you do put it out there. I want to know what you would say for the audience that is like, "My tribe is not exactly supporting me. There are a lot of toxic relationships in there." We've all been in that place in one time or another, but how do you get yourself into that positive place and try to rebuild that tribe? What are your top three tips to do that?
One thing that's very important is listening to that voice inside of you that is recognizing the toxic relationships. We all have an ability, it's almost a physical reaction to recognizing the good from the bad. If you’re hearing that inner voice telling you over and over again, "This is bad, this is toxic." There is no amount of upside to keeping whatever bad energy that is in your world. We oftentimes talk ourselves into something being good because, for example, somebody's resume looks great or they bring the right context to the table. If there's something bad and toxic about that relationship, listen to that. I promise you, it's never worth it to keep it that way.
The second thing is taking time to think through what your mission statement is. Life is so busy, it's so wild. There are a million different ideas coming at you at any given moment. There are a lot of great ideas out there, it doesn't mean that it is your mission statement. It doesn't mean it is your North Star and the thing that's going to drive you. The clearer you are about your North Star and the things that matter the most to you, the more likely you are to put that out and have that come back to you in the form of people who are on the same page. You do have to do some of the time to think about it.
The third thing is to be open, to listen and to see because we prejudge a lot of things. As an example, if you're in a position of hiring, even if somebody has more seniority, they might not be the right person to hire. Oftentimes, it's the person who expresses loyalty and a passion for that mission that you have, that person I would hire every day over the one who has the better-looking resume. On paper, a lot of people look great but if they're not as excited and passionate about the thing that you're building, you're going to be dragging them along all the time. Be open to hearing and seeing people who don't have the perfect resume or the perfect backstory. Be open to seeing that and understanding that has a huge amount of value for you.
You can't push a rope. Some of those people are like, “I want to have this journey forever for the foreseeable future." Even John Maxwell talks about how you have to be okay with letting some of those people do their things. Some people are in your life for a season. To be able to bless them and release them so it can open up that space and those amazing people can come into your life. I want to go back to right when you got things started in broadcast journalism. Obviously, there is a lot of rejection. How do you propel yourself forward? If you could go back in time and tell yourself one piece of advice, what would you tell yourself when you jumped into the broadcast journalism game?
The piece of advice I would give is, “Enjoy it all a little bit more.” I was so focused on the propelling, the crashing through walls, and figuring out how to make that no a yes. Instead of celebrating the mini-wins along the way, I was so intent on getting out there and being the best I could possibly be. I focus so much of my energy on that, I would love to go back and celebrate a little bit more. I'm going with two pieces of advice. Networking is important. We would all agree that getting out there and getting to know new people is important. I look at networking very differently now than when I started out, I enjoy networking more than I enjoyed it before.
Zone Of Genius: Enjoy it all a little bit more. Celebrate the mini wins along the way.
When I started out, it was all about in the same vein about not enjoying it and I was not celebrating the mini wins. I would go out to a networking event and it was all about, "How can I impress people? How can I prove myself to this group of people? I'm the lowliest person here. Do I deserve to be here? Probably not. No one probably wants to talk to me. I'll go up and shake people's hand. I'm trying hard to get to know people." Anybody who feels that way, I was 100% where you are and I get it. I have tried to shift my thinking and this is generally is how I approach networking.
There's a room filled with fascinating people, I want to get to know the people in this room. I'd like to get to know them on a real level. I don't have to make a perfect impression. I don't have to say the funniest joke or have the perfect comeback when they say something. Instead, I have to have an authentic connection. Going into networking in that way does two things. First of all, it makes it enjoyable and second, if there is a relationship to be made, you're going to get so much more from it because of how you're addressing it. You're coming at it from the real you. Hopefully, they're coming at it from the real them and then you have a genuine connection. I believe genuine connections are more valuable in business and in life than anything else.
That's such good wisdom and insight because it sounds like you're a Type-A lady boss, driving to the finish line. I was all about the finish line early on in the game. If you take some time to slow down, you actually speed up. It's beautiful when you do make those authentic and organic connections. I feel like the stars start to align versus, “Next person, next person.” It is truly digging deep and getting to know them on the heart level. To me, that's even so much more fulfilling and rewarding. I struggled with that for probably the first five years of my career. The sixth year when I founded the Lady Boss Empire, that was the a-ha or the light bulb moment where things started to shift and then things started to explode. I feel that on another level.
I'm glad that that happened to you too. I would also say to that point, there are times where you're not going to feel like the stars are aligning even though you're being authentic and you're putting your mission statement out. Even though you're talking about your North Star and you're going after real relationships. Back to this idea of the journey versus the outcome, if you're not enjoying the journey along the way and you're just going after the stars aligning, that's a double whammy of unfortunate badness. There's no guarantee that the stars are going to align, but you can guarantee how you feel along the way by doing things that are satisfying to you.
My mom has preached that to me from day one, “Enjoy the journey.” I'm like, "I'll do that later."
Your mom is smart. Having a strong mom makes a big difference. I have a strong, awesome mom as well.
I want to switch gears here a little bit and go into the lightning round with lady boss if you don't mind. If you wouldn't have started with what you did with broadcast journalism, what would you have gone into?
Maybe a lawyer.
You're a bottom-line woman. People would be surprised that I spend so much time doing?
Watching The Real Housewives.
Your celebrity crush?
My husband knows. Bradley Cooper, probably.
Chipotle or Chick-fil-A?
Your favorite way to spend downtime?
I love to walk. I love cities and living in New York. I love being to wander through my neighborhood. In any city I ever visit, I always love to see it on by foot.
What are you absolutely addicted to?
My phone unfortunately and coffee.
You literally answered the next one. Chocolate or coffee?
Coffee, 100%.
Best piece of advice you've ever received?
From my mom and dad, but from my mom always asking me what's the worst thing that can happen. Whenever I was afraid to try something, my mom would always say, "What's the worst thing that can happen?" The advice from that is basically, “Just do it.” Most of the time, the worst thing that can happen is that your ego gets a little bit bruised. If you're worried about that, then you're missing all of the upsides of both the experience and the unknown on the other side.
Zone Of Genius: If you're worried about getting your ego a little bit bruised, then you're missing all of the upsides of both the experience and the unknown on the other side.
Most embarrassing moment?
I've had so many of them. I can't go into detail, but most of them involve bathrooms.
If you could spend one day with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
My sister, because we used to live together in New York and we saw each other all the time. She now lives in LA. I love her. She's my closest, dearest friend and I would always choose to spend a day with her if I could.
Your favorite food?
It's probably Mexican food. I'll say in a very simple way that a great tortilla chip and salsa combo, I could definitely make some good use of that.
Who inspires you and who do you aspire to be like?
My mom, because she sincerely has been an inspiration to me from the day I was born. She also did this incredible thing which was somewhat rare for her generation, which was she both had a career and was a wonderful mom to my sister and me. There were plenty of times over our childhood where my mom was worried that she wasn't doing enough or that she was missing out on moments or that we were missing out on things that we needed from her. I look back on the example that she set and the person that she was to my dad, sister and me. If I could be that, I would have won the game.
She sounds like a phenomenal woman.
Gail Marks Jarvis. She's a good one.
Describe yourself in one word.
Intense. I've never said that out loud before, but I do think that probably some people feel like I'm pretty intense when they meet me.
I remember meeting the guy in the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness. I met him at the backstage at one of our conventions and I came up to him. My dad introduced me to him and I was starstruck. He's like, "Tell me a little bit more about you." I was going through all my goals, my dreams, whatever. He's like, "What's your best advice?" He's like, "You're intense. My best advice is chill out." Being intense and having a huge vision and wanting to make an impact in the world is a wonderful thing. More power to you, Rebecca.
I'm with you there. I'm glad we're both intense ladies. It's a good thing,
If you could swap lives with one person for a day, who would it be and why?
I don't honestly think I want to swap lives with a person. Maybe just to see what it's like to live with me and endure me at times, swapping with my husband could be interesting. If I was in his head, that could also be useful to understand, but I do like my life. Who would you swap with?
I would say I'm a huge fan of my own life, but if I would probably say and this might be a cliché answer, I would have to say it’s Oprah. Just to see how she's impacted lives in such a huge, world-impacting level. Just to see life through her eyes and catch the abundance, the never-say-die attitude, and the way that she looks at life. I'd love to see, hear, feel the insight and the wisdom that she has. If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?
I don't know enough superheroes. Superwoman. If there's one thing I would love to do is to be able to, it might be to my detriment, read people's thoughts.
You crushed our lightning round of. We are going onto the home stretch so thank you for being on it. Let's say there's someone that's around 30 years old, they're loving their business, they're loving their life, but they've always had that intent that they wanted to do that one other thing. Maybe it was broadcast journalism or starting their own business. What would your words of advice be if they're in a good place with where they're at, but they still have this little something that's calling them?
The first thing is to write it down. What is it that you care about? Why is it calling to you? Try to get as much of that on paper so that you understand what your thinking is. Do you like the idea of it? What about the journey to get there? Would you enjoy the journey to get to whatever that mission is? Second, once you have that idea in mind, talk to your friends and family and the people whom you trust the most. Frankly, you could do that along the way as you're coming up with the thing that is there. If at the end of speaking to those whom you trust and writing it down, you truly believe that the journey is part of why you're interested in that pursuit. Then you should start laying the groundwork for getting there.
One thing about that is if you’re in a job that you love, you don't necessarily have to quit that job. There are a lot of people who start something as a side hustle. A podcast for example. If your desire is to talk to people about things that matter, ask questions and behave somewhat like a journalist, you could start a podcast and test the waters there. It's always a good idea to test the waters, especially if you're comfortable in the world that you live in. If you hate your job and you're trying to get away from it and you're trying to make a different decision, then it's more a matter of what is that decision then should you leave?
A lot of people are in that zone of somewhat enjoying their life, but there is that little thing that keeps on the door of their heart. To get crystal clear on that and take one step towards it, and then another step, and see how it unfolds. That’s good advice.
Zone Of Genius: Listen to yourself. Get a better feel for what your thoughts are.
I have to remind myself of these things all the time too. While we learned them through time and experience, there are always moments in life where you have to check yourself and listen to yourself. I like writing things down because once you write something down, you get a better feel for it. Your thoughts can feel circular at times, but when you write, you see that there’s a start and an end point.
If someone came to you and said, "I want to be the boss of my own life, Rebecca. I want to call the shots. What's my first step?"
Start doing it. It's like being happy. My colleague, Michael Strahan, wrote a book about this and it reminds me of something my dad used to say when I was a kid. If you want to be happy, start being happy. Telling yourself that you're going to smile and laugh. Putting yourself in situations that make you smile and laugh. Being the boss, start behaving like the boss. What does that mean? We don't all go to a job. I don't get to tell my boss that I'm the boss. I have bosses at ABC News. They tell me sometimes things to do that I would love to say no to, but I don't do that. I'm not in a position to do that. At the same time, there are ways that you can build out that independence. Back to the podcast for example with No Limits, I had this idea and I found a handful of people who were also passionate and excited about the idea. We decided we're going to start building it. Sometimes it sounds so simple and it's more difficult to do it but put one foot in front of the other and start making steps toward doing things that make you feel more like the boss. You will get there.
One foot in front of the other. With amazing, crazy, incredible ideas, when you start to act on them, take massive action and all bets are off. What is your definition of a boss?
Somebody who decides what they want and pursues it. Somebody who is a leader who inspires others, who sees the goodness in others and helps lift those around them up. Somebody who has a North Star or mission statement, and continuously goes after it.
You are the definition of a boss, Rebecca. Thank you so much for being here and sharing so much wisdom. Rebecca, any last words of wisdom and where can we find you?
I appreciate the opportunity to chat with you, Stefanie. Congratulations on the empire that you've built and are building. Thank you for reaching out to me. You've been a tremendous champion of the work that we're doing at No Limits.
I am incredibly honored. I know your schedule is crazy busy, thank you for squeezing this in. It means the world to me. I'm going to be paying that forward to so many other bosses
Everybody you can listen to the podcast, No Limits with Rebecca Jarvis. I'm across social media, I'm @RebeccaJarvis. I do check my DMs. I love it when people comment on photos and give me ideas.
Go look her up, my bosses. As you know here, we want to empower you to fight your fear, build your faith and become the boss of your own life. Implement what you learned from Rebecca and we will chat with you next time on the Boss Life.
Important Links:
Rebecca Jarvis’ Instagram
Stefanie’s book
Michael Strahan’s book
@RebeccaJarvis on Twitter
About Rebecca Jarvis
Rebecca Jarvis is an Emmy-award winning journalist, ABC News’ Chief Business, Technology & Economics Correspondent; and the host and creator of ABC’s podcast featuring game changing women, No Limits with Rebecca Jarvis; Jarvis reports for all ABC News programs including Good Morning America, World News Tonight, Nightline, 20/20, and This Week with George Stephanopoulos.
Jarvis has conducted news making interviews with the biggest names in business and technology, including Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Jessica Alba, Bill and Melinda Gates, Ursula Burns; the first African American woman to run a fortune 500 company and General Motor CEO Mary Barra; the first female CEO to run a car company. She has conducted worldwide exclusive interviews with the likes of Apple CEO Tim Cook and was the first and only reporter to interview United CEO Oscar Munoz in a worldwide exclusive following the controversy surrounding the airline’s forceful removal of a passenger.
She has covered multiple presidential elections, the Madoff scandal, housing bubble, Great Recession, financial crisis and the fall of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. The Alliance for Women in Media named Jarvis one of the top business journalists in the country with its Women in Numbers Award. Jarvis is also the recipient of a duPont Award for her work covering the Newtown tragedy. Plus, she is a recipient of the Edward R. Murrow Award for Overall Excellence in Television and Radio.
Before joining ABC News Jarvis was co-host of CBS This Morning: Saturday, and Business and Economics correspondent for CBS News. Prior to CBS News Jarvis spent three years at CNBC reporting on market news from the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and the New York Mercantile Exchange. She contributed regularly to NBC News including the Today Show and Nightly News.
Jarvis began her journalism career writing for Crain's Chicago Business and Business 2.0. She has also worked in investment banking and foreign currency trading. A graduate of the University of Chicago, Jarvis holds a degree in Economics and Constitutional Law. A recipient of the University of Chicago Dean's Grant, she studied European banking and financial markets and the formation of the European Union at the Université Sciences Po in Paris, France.
Jarvis received national recognition for her work with Colin Powell to empower children and improve communities and was named a "National Point of Light," receiving accolades from Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.